What's up royalty? Bleezy here for week 2 of our weekly blog. I wanna ask y'all, what's poppin'? Keep it real and let us know what's good with you this week. Y'all good? Goin' through it out there in the #freeworld? I'm all straight in here, I stay busy. I keep my head up, while I keep it down at the same time #workin'.
I stay #writing and furthering my #business, working out & exercising daily. Other #inmates take notice. The real respect the #grind. Others see my #hustle & assume I'm standoffish, that I think I'm better than everybody else. Nah... I just do more. I'm more prolific than the rest of my peers.
Always keep in mind people gonna show contempt whether you're a lame square who sits around all day, or if you up to somethin'. So you're better off doin' somethin'! #Letemhate it while you stay #motivated.
Stay focused on your #mentalhealth. It goes like this: physical, mental, and spiritual. Exercise daily. Read books that relate to your #goals. Educate yourself, there's always more to learn. When shit gets stressful, kick back. It's all in the mind. My dad used to tell me, "It's #mindovermatter. If you don't mind, it don't matter."
I'm not tryna say it's gonna be easy or you can live a #stressfree life with a flip of a switch. Nah. It takes hard fuckin' work day in and day out. Yeah you can take a day off every once in a while if you get overwhelmed. As long as you perform your absolute best each day. It can be difficult but it's worth it and trust me, it feels so good!
What's poppin' at Cashout Kings? Aight, here's what we got cookin', plus what's marinatin'. Right now we're designing our second edition #tees, #beanies, #sweatshirts... plus a dope ass hat a fellow #prisoner I know, Smoke, designed for us. We're gonna #levelup our designs, do some better, more #street styles for those of you steppin' on the pavement G'd from the feet up.
Speakin' of that, we got some fly ass lowtop basketball sneakers I designed a few months back. As I write this, they're being manufactured in Italy with high-end #luxury leather. We'll get the prototype in November. Ah yeah, they're called Paper Chasers. Y'all feel that?

Cashout Kings Paper Chasers Shoe Last and Concept Design Drawing
Hit us up here at Cashout Kings Lifestyle. We don't know you yet, but we love you & care 'bout you. #Stayup!
Peace Love n God Bless
Sage Martin AKA Youngsta Bleezy, CEO
Cashout Kings, LLC
PO Box 1836, St. Augustine, FL 32085
(904) 650-8366
Institution: Idaho State Correctional Center
Inmate ID # 137391
PO Box 70010, Boise, ID 83707
You can reach me directly on the JPay app https://www.jpay.com/